Getting Things Done
Abraham Lincoln is quoted as having said:
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
Do you start early and go home late so that you can get your work done? We’ve all had that experience, and it’s easy to believe that working harder is always the answer. Time to consider working smartly?
This is a practical course that will sharpen your ability to manage your own time and make sure that things get done on time AND in the right way.
Participants construct their own plans for getting things done according to their style, situation, and work environment.
Reframe The Problem(s) | Schedule for Productivity | Develop Great Habits |
We can’t manage time; we can only control our own behaviour. Repeating the same behaviours will result in the same outcomes, so we must change our behaviours. Easily said, but hard to do. We’ll use DiSC® to help you understand your own strengths and weaknesses and so create the best plan to suit your personality. We’ll teach you the tools and techniques to increase your productivity, and you’ll decide when and how to use them. | Human beings are not machines and working longer hours tends to reduce productivity because we work slower and make more errors. Despite this, many people work longer and longer hours but achieve less and less. What could you achieve if every hour was as productive as when everyone else hasn’t arrived or has left the office? We’ll teach you the proven techniques to increase your productivity so that you can achieve more for the same effort and go home on time. | Some people are just more effective, and they make it seem effortless. They’ve learned some great habits that help them make the most of their time. We’ll teach you these techniques so that you can understand where you can make improvements that will work for you. Once you’ve practised these, they’ll become habits, and you’ll join the ranks of the people who get things done! |
Course Options
As standard, this is available as a one-day public course through the Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki / The New Zealand Institute of Highway Technology. It can also be delivered in-house.